General Rate Case FAQs
Updated January 2024.
Our top priority is always the health, safety and reliability of your water service — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
平台登录计划在未来三年投入五亿四千万元建设水务基础设施, including replacing 75 miles of water mains. Just one of the many ways we keep your water safe and reliable!
What is a General Rate Case?
On January 2, 2024, 平台登录提交了一份普通水费案件(GRC)申请,以调整2025-2027年的水费. If the CPUC approves this application, 从1月1日开始,SJW将在3年内收回预测成本, 2025. 平台登录与CPUC合作,每三年提交一次GRC,以确保:
- 投资于提供可靠供水服务所需的基础设施
- 继续致力于环境管理和可持续发展,努力进一步减少平台登录的环境足迹
- Reasonable and fair rates
SJW has been serving customers for more than 150 years. The growth of our system, including more than 2,400 miles of water mains, has mirrored the development of Silicon Valley. 随着这种基础设施的老化,它需要用新的材料和技术进行更换和升级. 平台登录努力最大限度地延长平台登录的资产的使用寿命-在它们接近故障时更换它们. 等待,直到他们不能再提供安全可靠的服务,根本不是一个选择.
How are rates set?
DG真人游戏务公司受加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)监管,为圣何塞地区100多万客户提供服务, Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno and Saratoga communities.
Every three years, 根据法例,平台登录必须提交一般水费个案申请,以调整水费. 拟议的费率调整必须经过CPUC的审查和批准, 经过为期12个月的健全和透明的程序.
What is a Monthly Service Charge?
每月的服务费用会在每个结算周期内应用,以帮助支付一部分固定成本,例如抄表, water quality testing, water treatment, 以及配送系统的维护,包括泄漏维修. 不论用了多少水,所有顾客都要付服务费. 有一个稳定的收入来源来支付平台登录的固定成本,有助于缓解过去几年发生的更频繁的费率变化. Below is an example of the increase from 2023 to 2024.
What is a Quantity Rate Charge?
与您的每月服务费不同,您的数量收费费率可以每月波动. 这是因为它是基于你使用的水量,也可能受到干旱等条件的影响, rain, or the number of people living at your home. In an effort to encourage water conservation, 许多水务公司采用分层费率,费率随着使用量的增加而增加.
Where does the SJW rate money go?
- 购买处理过的水,并向Valley water支付抽取地下水的费用
- Increasing our investment in infrastructure:
- 每年维护和全面更换24英里的管道(占总管道的1%)
- 升级或更换储罐,以提高地震恢复能力和改善水质
- Upgrade or replacement of pumps
- 缴纳水和服务的税费以支持当地经济
- 包括运营成本,包括首要的电费
Are the rates based on the number in each household?
费率是根据为家庭或企业服务的水表的大小而定, more commonly known as the service charge. 平台登录会按用水量或体积收费收取额外费用. 所有的费率都是由CPUC批准的,可以在平台登录的网站上的计费表下找到.
How can I reduce water consumption?
Water conservation is a California way of life. To help educate our customers about water conservation, we offer complimentary water check-ups, educational materials, and free low-flow devices. Please visit our conservation section for more information.
How do I learn more about rate increases?
Please visit the rates section of the website.
Why is Great Oaks Water less expensive?
客户经常询问为什么大橡树水务公司(Great Oaks)的水费比SJW和圣何塞市政水务公司(CSJ)的水费便宜这么多,而这三家自来水公司都为圣何塞服务. 很大一部分原因是,大橡树村享受着山谷水公司的批发水价, at one third of what CSJ and SJW pay. Great Oaks从南部盆地抽水,每英亩英尺的价格是467美元,而不是1美元,367 for SJW and CSJ.
To fully understand a rate comparison, a deeper dive is needed. 这就像你站在两所一模一样的房子前面,它们的油漆颜色和修剪整齐的风景都一样,你甚至都没有进去,就得出了这个房子保养得有多好的结论. It’s just not possible at a glance, 平台登录需要更深入地了解是什么推动了这些数字的增长.
Learn more about water rates
You can visit the USEPA 和ASCE网站,以审查大量高质量的信息,这些信息讲述了水行业面临的挑战. SJW也不能幸免于这些挑战,平台登录正在努力通过向CPUC提交的文件来解决这些问题.
What is your relationship with Valley Water?
Valley Water is Santa Clara County’s water supplier. SJW从Valley water购买水,并将水送到家庭和企业. 如果SJW的客户遇到任何问题,例如在水道附近被砍伐的树木或在水区财产上非法扎营,他们应该联系Valley water.
What is a surcharge?
附加费是水务公司用来资助特定资本项目或特殊开支的一种工具, to provide water quality, or a means to pass-through Valley Water’s mid-year increase. A surcharge has a specific use and is temporary in nature. 当项目或金额全部付清时,附加费将从您的账单中扣除. All surcharges must be approved by the CPUC.
How can I submit a comment?
平台登录鼓励消费者在今年晚些时候举行的公开听证会上向CPUC提供反馈意见,从而参与到电价制定过程中来. Check back on this page for updates.
Is there assistance for low-income customers?
SJW’s Customer Assistance Program (CAP, (原WRAP)为符合条件的低收入客户提供总水费15%的折扣.
Who can I speak to if I still have questions?